Tuesday 23 August 2011

The latest..keep it for the best.Let the patience struggles first.

Assalamaualaikum warahmatullah and a very good day I wish to all of you.

This entry would be the last entry for this semester as the book read is reaching the conclusion.

It seems like the days have passed and memory folder adds up :D

Firstly, I would like to express my heart-felt gratitude to the course coordinator, Dr.Siti Fatimah Mohd Yasin and the course lecturer, Tengku Norazlan Tengku Sulaiman who have helped us and guided us without stopping and hesitating except to signal to do the best.

Secondly, special thanks to W. Syazwani Nasuha binti Wan Mazlan, my partner, who have always showed patient face and owns a big heart when dealing with me :D She knows how busy I am at times and I don't have to explain it to her. Thank you Nini! Sob2 It's simply irreplaceable, SIMPLY.

Thirdly, I would like to thank my classmates who have always been committed to help and showed me the right way whenever I got wrong. Guys, I really learn a lot from all of you :D

The last but not least, special thanks are dedicated to my co-mates from IPG Sarawak who helped in ways that have facilitated my learning experience. I found you guys wonderful :D

Still, all due thanks is to Allah the Almighty- The One that is behind everything, The One that teaches me how patience is the best value humans should have. Insya-Allah. Alhamdulillah.

Till then,

Assignments 7a and 7b- OpenOffice.Impress & PowerPoint

How can I missed out this entry?

'Careless, SIMPLY.'

Learning by doing Assignment  7a
 Based on assignment 5 - mini research, create a presentation kit
using Impress.
 Follow the guideline/rule  for good presentation skills
 Upload the presentation  using Google docs and share with your
coursemate. Edit the presentation if necessary

Learning by doing Assignment  7b

 Develop a multimedia  courseware: learning about the content you choose
for assignment  1  using Powerpoint
 The courseware should include  all multimedia elements: video (edit in
Windows Movie Maker); a layered graphic/image (edit in GIMP); (custom
animation;  edit in GIMP) & audio (record and edit using Audacity.

For this assignment, we are required to create a presentation by using that software above. It was nice actually, when you compare it to Microsoft PPT. It is nice by seeing at the aspects like the ease to find the wanted buttons, the designs and as such.

A view at our group Impress (W. Syazwani Nasuha and me)

The buttons are there, on the right hand side so do the relevant and user-friendly access :D

Till then, zira!

Week 7b- Database. Assignmnet 9.

Salam to all.

This is one exciting new tool to learn and I love it!

"You just can't believe how smart it works and people have such ideas? Brilliant!"
One of the tables look like this.

One of the forms look like this

It was fun..got to teach people something :D


Week 7a- Spreadsheet

"It is the spreadsheet."

This week, as responsibility mounts, we have a spreadsheet that needs thinking and programming.
The task is like this.

Plan, create and edit a simple  one year  personal financial management
(income and spending)  spreadsheet using Calc .
 Name the sheet  according to the month ie Aug11, Sept11 …. Jul12
 Create a formula  to calculate  a  balance  for each month (ie. balance of
august – will be added  to the balance of  sept). Link the formula between
the sheets.

As the spreadsheet finished, the amount of spending can be seen clearly.

The other one, is by using Mic Excel.

"Plan, create and edit a spreadsheet of
students score and grade  analysis (use function: define name for  table of
grade and score; VLOOKUP to refer to the grade of the score,  STDEV and
AVERAGE  or the score; COUNTIF to calculate how many students  for each
grade;  create suitable and meaningful graph Graph; sort to rank the highest to
the lowest score for each subject; filter to select  based on certain queries"

This one is tough, believe me.


Till then,

Monday 15 August 2011

Week 5b- Bookfold ..not that enigma :D

Salam. Alhamdulillah, we have finished with the bookfold :DD (Triple smile there!!!)

To add up, the bookfold contains information that we do not use in our brochure, report and journal article.

Maybe you would like to check it out in order to equip yourself with the information- as the correct way of becoming a computer-savvy user. (Well, that's for me too :P)

Thanks to those who have helped- dignity is defined as attitude performs.

A glimpse to it

Thank YOU!
 Till then
Zoo-wee mama zira

Sunday 14 August 2011

Week 5a- Publisher..Brochure.

Finishing the publisher is quiet something
- as we basically, do not know how to use it optimally
- and we have narrow-minded thinking of it (that only some people use it for definite purpose like promoting business)

Anyway, this is how our brochure on Ubuntu versus Windows looks like.

Well, it looks simple and we both (W. Syazwani Nasuha and I) love simplicity :DDD

Till then

Week 4 Part 2 Qualitative Research & Report (Journal Article)

Assalamualaikum :D

Writing new entries at our blog has always been an enthusiastic act by some who are dedicated enough and full of ideas. But after some time, the passion could have easily washed off without the right approach to knowledge owned and right guidance, too. This is a BIG TEST. Not everyone can handle it but we have to, because we are teachers :D (A simple fact that is not that simple to comprehend)

I should say here that due to some constraints- the famous ones would be unstable internet connection and outside activities, I was unable to keep up with blog-writing. So, when I got the chance, I will send the bulk which is, alhamdulillah, felt easier:D

So, this one would be about the Journal Article. (Windows versus Ubuntu)

After a brief explanation by Kulan, I found this task as moderately easy. The mind-challenger aspect of it is the discussion based on the data collected.

Shortly, after the data can be seen inductively, participants actually agree that Ubuntu is better than Windows which reflect that our intention to deliver the right message of not to be rigid with one wave of change only (Windows) is fruiting.

Another eye-opening idea is that people also agree that Ubuntu is the best operating system. Well, maybe they just simply answered it but on second thought, it is a success (the questionnaire) when people start to know about the existence of Ubuntu.

One of the main and most liked comparison between Ubuntu and Windows is price. Based on the survey, 75% participants agree that price plays an important role in purchasing an operating system.

Basically, Ubuntu is more preferred by users compared to Windows. I am positive that if Ubuntu can widen its promotion and maintain its good face, it can be Windows's top competitor.

So, Ubuntu versus Windows..WHO SHOULD WIN?

Smart Users Know What To DecidE "D


Friday 12 August 2011

Week 4 Part 1 - OH SPSS!

The result obtained from SPSS revealed the fact that people do know about Ubuntu (at least through the questionnaire) but the knowledge remains on surface level.

Some questions and example taken from the conclusion of the SPSS can be seen below :D

It seems that uploading image is not available right now. Hopefully, it won't persist :D

Well, from the questionnaire created, we (W. Syazwani Nasuha and I) found out that people do not really know about Ubuntu operating system. That is the inductive state of the conclusion drawn.

Surely, Windows is far more famous than Ubuntu but certain features of both start to break the gap and branch out different perspectives from users especially those who are computer-savvy.

Ubuntu differs in a way that its applications and programs are ready-to-use while that of Windows need to be installed first. This is a good point to remember actually, as it is up to the users' preferences whether they want some applications to exist or not.

Windows is surely needed purchasing and it is usually readily-installed in PCs. That is one main point regarding these two OS (Operating Systems)- price. Ubuntu is free- triggering curious minds to think more. Comp-savvy users maybe will prefer to have both installed and ran in their PC like one of my friend who can switch between Windows and Ubuntu at his will.

Still, it does not guarantee what you dream of from Ubuntu which like Windows, exists in three other more- Kubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu. They all come with distinctive features that allow users to reflect and think first before deciding.

Nevertheless, it is a happy fact to know that those who have taken part in the questionnaire have gained new knowledge and we ourselves also have learned a lot :D Millions of thanks :D Alhamdulillah.

Till then,

Friday 5 August 2011

Week 3b- Online Questionnaire with Surveymonkey:D (a continuum)

Alhamdulillah for such a great day in the fasting month ! :D

This reflection is just a continuum from the previous one- in which I would like to reflect on the online questionnaire.

It is not difficult doing it. But, if we, future teachers still say so, then we are looking down at ourselves. 'Difficult' is an outrageous word to be honest- friends, let's hold on to the end ! :D (spirited onion hehe)

 Double-struggled onion
Stressed onion :D

Anyway, the online questionnaire that we ( W. Syazwani Nasuha and I ) have to do had managed to gather more than 20 participants. Alhamdulillah for that. The next step would be to start doing the SPSS thing- the software that can manage the data obtained form the questionnaire and we feel extremely lucky to have it given and taught of the procedures by our respected and understanding lecturer- Tengku Norazlan :DD

Thank You Sir :D
Now, my dear co-mate, W. Syazwani Nasuha, is struggling like the double-struggled onion to finish up the SPSS thing. Hehe don't be mad :D

Insya-Allah, we will be able to finish it up in order to keep pace with the progress of assignments given.
La hawlawala quwwata illa billah. Amin!

Till then,