Tuesday 19 July 2011

Week 2 (Think, Pair, Share)

For this second week, we are required to think, discuss and finish Assignment 1 which is under the quotation of 'Think, Pair and Share'. This assignment is to be discussed  in FB group by the pair. The following topics are :-

1. 21st Century Skills
2. Learning Abouf ICT
3. Thinking skills and ICT
4. Internet and Computer Security (Virus, Spam, Phishing)
5. Operating System
6. Original and licensing software
7. Open source Software
8. Web 2.0 in education
9. E-Learning
10. Mobile learning

Out of democratic vote, my pair (W. Syazwani Nasuha) and I have to drill our block of thinking on topic 5- 'Operating System' a.k.a OS. Then, we search out about the topic using search engines and we are lucky to find some information and are glad to share the new knowledge which is now ready to be opened at


'OS' or Operating System actually refers to the main software installed on computer which allows other minor softwares to be installed. Here, it refers to Windows (all types- Wind. 7, Vista, XP), MAC and as such.

Usually, computers or laptops come with this software- Windows. It could be because it really is sophicticated and the most used one. This facilitates softwares and files' sharing.

There is another possible explanation for OS. A webpage refers to it as the printers, CD-drivers, CPUs, keyboards and other parts. But, this fact is not as supported as the first definition above.


It was exciting actually when I got to know about this one. This is the first time in my life to know that there exist OS. It shows how the digital world is expanding fast- when one thing is new today and tomorrow is already a history.

I opine that people should use Windows as it is the most used one in order to ease up their work. Choosing this OS could really affect one's work and surely, no one would want to be crammed with work if their OS is not compatible with others' when we know that we live in globalised modernization.

- Enjoy it? I do :) -

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